Thursday, May 25, 2006

Let the countdown begin!!!!

Well its almost time for us to leave for Virginia! Im looking forward to this vacation even more than before!!! Probably because the weather is supposed to be warmer, so hopefully we will get to least in the pool if the ocean is too cool!!!!

We are going to Chincoteague. Its a quaint little town that has such a slow relaxing pace its almost like going back in time! Its the kind of town I would love to live in and raise my kids in..but unfortunately jobs are in short supply down there!!! My boys love it down there. My oldest fishes until he smells more like a sea creature than they do!!! My husband fishes too..but not nearly as much as my son. We spend the early part of the day until about 3 on the beach, then ds-14 and dh head off to fish. Ds-12, Me and Mom get dinner ready, "cruise the hood" on the golf cart, and walk the dogs( all 4 of them counting my 2 and Moms 2) Mom loves it down there too. She calls it her peaceful place!!!

Guess thats it for now. Ill be gone until Monday, so there prob wont be any more posts till at least Tuesday!!! When I get home Ill have a new pic of me to post...prob another sunburned one!!! LOL!!!Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things Im waiting to find time to read!

1. Womans Day Magaizine April, May andJune issues

2. Family Circle April issue

3. First magazine May issue

4. Real Simple June issue (1st issue Ive received of this subscription)

5. Family First Dr. Phil

6. Love Smart Dr. Phil

7. Html for Dummies

8. Born in Fire, Ice and Shame Trilogy by Nora Roberts

9. Better Homes and Gardens Biggest Book of 30 min meals

10.Complete Idiots Guide to creating a Web Page

11. A Bend in the Road Nicholas Sparks

12. The 5 People you meet in Heaven

13. Sink Reflections Marla Cilley (again)

Ive got a beautiful swing out back, a Mothers Day present, and the weather has been perfect for sitting outside and reading!!! I need to get out there!!!!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Just another day in paradise!

Well its been a good day!! Eating-wise..and other-wise. Ive gotten lots of things done on my to-do list, the kids are packed for our weekend getaway, the wash is caught up, the dishes done, and Momma is a happy girl! Not to mention DH is working late tonite so there is a nice peaceful tone for the night tonite..not the usual rush to get dinner ready ect.

Also I get to watch whatever I want on tv Which will be American Idol. I swore I wasnt gonna get hooked on that show again, and did really well until last night when I tuned in just to hear Katherine sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I love that song. Of course now Im hooked again..and will have to watch tonite to find out what happens. When will I ever learn??? Im rooting for Katherine btw...Im thinking that Taylor will probably win...esp since there hasnt been a male winner in a while. I dont like him as much as her. I dont hate him or anything...just not feeling him. Guess only time will tell.

Moody Momma

Im glad to see that Im not alone in the whole "in such a mood I can barely stand myself" feeling. I read a couple of my other IRL friends posts on their blogs..and can relate so well its almost like I wrote them myself. Its funny dont know if there was a funky moon, or its my PMS acting up..but I was definitely not in a great mood for the last few days. I had alot to be thankful for..I was down the shore, the weather was beautiful, my kids were fairly well-behaved, dh was nice enough to let me and the kids go away for the weekend while he stayed home and worked, we were doing fun stuff..but I still felt moody. Not scream and rant moody...but just not content. Quiet and withdrawn....what causes that?? Now in my defense..Im supposed to take medicine 2 weeks before my help with my PMS moods. I am usually very good about keeping up with that..but havent been lately. Im sure that is partly to blame. Gotta be better about staying on track with that.
Today I am feeling better...Im wondering if its just by chance, or due in part to the fact that I actually went to the gym yesterday and worked out? Im going again today to check out that theory.
Another reason I havent been very happy lately is that my eating has been out of control lately. My WL efforts have come to a standstill..well actually not to a standstill...Im gaining so Im totally going in the wrong direction..and I just cant seem to find the willpower to make a change. I dont think about what Im eating until after Ive eaten it..and then its too late to do anything about it. Then I feel guilty about eating junk, worry about gaining all that weight and more back, selfish because part of me just doesnt care, and tries to talk the caring part of me into not caring too. Its so hard. I know what I need to be doing...I just dont do it. I keep telling myself..tomorrow Ill be better..tomorrow Ill get basck on track...unfortunately tomorrow never comes!!!
Well thats all for now. Im off to get on the scale to give myself a real reality check. Ive been avoiding it for weeks because I know its not going to be good...but Im just gonna get it over with. Maybe it will give me the incentive to get more of a grip on myself. Hopefully!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things Tish is Thankful For!

1. That I feel better. Had a doozie of a cold and it was kicking my butt yesterday!!!

2. That I got to sleep in all day yesterday so that I could feel better today!

3. My kids were good yesterday and didnt fight too much because I didnt have the strength to stop them.

4. DH took the day off and got the kids to school so I didnt have to.

5. It is thursday and my new washer will hopefully be in tonite. Ive got tons of wash to catch up on due to being w/o one since Sat.

6. Its almost Friday!

7. Tomorrow the kids and I are heading down to Virginia for the weekend. I love going down there to my Moms..its so peaceful!!

8. The beautiful swing for out back that I got fdor Mother's Day.

9. The rain we've been having as I just planted grass seed out back. My flowerbeds are loving all this rain.

10. The sun we've been having in between the makes it so much better when we get rain and sun in the same day. In a perfect world it would be sunny all day and rain every night!

11. My grandmother is feeling better. Her medicines were changed and she wasnt feeling her self. She got them switched back and is feeling much better.

12. A family that loves us.

13. A family that we can love back. We may complain alot about our familes ( his and mine) but in the long run we are both lucky.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Where has the time gone?

Well its been a few days since Ive posted....sorry bout that! Its been hectic and crazy as my life usually is! My stepdaughter and a friend of mine introduced me to the Myspace site, and now Im getting caught up in that too. LOL. All this html stuff is fun!!! Been playing with stuff on that site and neglecting this one. GOnna try and keep up with both of them. Ill add a link to myspace later, because Im at my Moms in Delawre, and she still has dial-up..and I doubt if I have the patience to try it here!!!!
In other news Ds-14 qualified for the Karate Nationals in Tennessee this July by placing 2nd in both Points Sparring and Olympic Sparring at the Karate State Championship this weekend. I was very excited for him, but Ds was more concerned about the fact that he lost the matches. Im hoping losing was a good thing for him and teaches him to focus a little more on his training. Hes been slacking lately! THe other thing Im hoping about is that he manages to pass Language Arts this semester. He has to do that with a grde of 89 or better. If not he faces summer school, and will be unable to attend the Nationals in July. Now isnt that a bummer?????

Heres the site addy for Myspace

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thirteen Songs I Love!!!!

1. The Cowboy Rides Away-George Strait

2. Babyblue- George Strait

3. She'll Leave You with a Smile- George Strait

4. Who's Your Daddy- Toby Keith

5. I Melt- Rascal Flatts

6. Hold On- Wilson Phillips

7. Ironic- Alanis Morrisette

8. Great Day to Be Alive- Travis Tritt

9. You Decorated My Life-Kenny Rogers

10. Mi VIda Loca- Pam Tillis

11. Independence Day- Martina McBride

12. Concrete Angel-Martina McBride

13. Spilled Perfume- Pam Tillis

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Good Monday Morning!!!

Not much is new here....pretty uneventful weekend. Mommy was cranky all weekend...thanks nothing much got done. Im feeling better least for I have a plan to get some much needed housework done around here!
Little boy is here, (the one I babysit) and hes currently watching Madagascar..his new favorite. As soon as I am done on here...he will be following me around the house helping So cute! I dont remember my boys wanting to help so much. Maybe because they had each other to play with and he is an only child.
Got a few errands to run, and ds-14 just called from school to say he needs me to come up and sign a trip permission slip..even though I have already signed one twice. He is soooo disorganized...I try and help..but Im not too much better. Thank goodness I was a little more organized at school than he is, or Id never have made it out alive!!!
One of my new books came over the weekend. The houseplant care one. Took some time and read up on some of my houseplants..some of them I am right on the dime as far as their care, and sun needs go...a few others I was doing all the wrong I have a poor pine tree that has been struggling to live since around xmas time. I thought it needed less light and cooler temps...turns out it needs high ligh..and ALOT of humidity! Who knew. Hopefully I can get it to thrive now, because it is def near death!
Guess thats all for now...Ill post later. Have a great day!!!!!