Monday, May 01, 2006

Good Monday Morning!!!

Not much is new here....pretty uneventful weekend. Mommy was cranky all weekend...thanks nothing much got done. Im feeling better least for I have a plan to get some much needed housework done around here!
Little boy is here, (the one I babysit) and hes currently watching Madagascar..his new favorite. As soon as I am done on here...he will be following me around the house helping So cute! I dont remember my boys wanting to help so much. Maybe because they had each other to play with and he is an only child.
Got a few errands to run, and ds-14 just called from school to say he needs me to come up and sign a trip permission slip..even though I have already signed one twice. He is soooo disorganized...I try and help..but Im not too much better. Thank goodness I was a little more organized at school than he is, or Id never have made it out alive!!!
One of my new books came over the weekend. The houseplant care one. Took some time and read up on some of my houseplants..some of them I am right on the dime as far as their care, and sun needs go...a few others I was doing all the wrong I have a poor pine tree that has been struggling to live since around xmas time. I thought it needed less light and cooler temps...turns out it needs high ligh..and ALOT of humidity! Who knew. Hopefully I can get it to thrive now, because it is def near death!
Guess thats all for now...Ill post later. Have a great day!!!!!

1 comment:

angela said...

My son has organization issues too...and lack of follow through...we are going to work on it some this summer, I hope. I don't want it to be painful, but I have always been that way, and I hate to think of him going through the same hardships and I have because of these character issues...ugh...

On another note, regarding your plants...we have a hermit crab, and I thought we were doing everything right..then I got some written info and realized we were lucky he was not dead.