Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Moody Momma

Im glad to see that Im not alone in the whole "in such a mood I can barely stand myself" feeling. I read a couple of my other IRL friends posts on their blogs..and can relate so well its almost like I wrote them myself. Its funny dont know if there was a funky moon, or its my PMS acting up..but I was definitely not in a great mood for the last few days. I had alot to be thankful for..I was down the shore, the weather was beautiful, my kids were fairly well-behaved, dh was nice enough to let me and the kids go away for the weekend while he stayed home and worked, we were doing fun stuff..but I still felt moody. Not scream and rant moody...but just not content. Quiet and withdrawn....what causes that?? Now in my defense..Im supposed to take medicine 2 weeks before my help with my PMS moods. I am usually very good about keeping up with that..but havent been lately. Im sure that is partly to blame. Gotta be better about staying on track with that.
Today I am feeling better...Im wondering if its just by chance, or due in part to the fact that I actually went to the gym yesterday and worked out? Im going again today to check out that theory.
Another reason I havent been very happy lately is that my eating has been out of control lately. My WL efforts have come to a standstill..well actually not to a standstill...Im gaining so Im totally going in the wrong direction..and I just cant seem to find the willpower to make a change. I dont think about what Im eating until after Ive eaten it..and then its too late to do anything about it. Then I feel guilty about eating junk, worry about gaining all that weight and more back, selfish because part of me just doesnt care, and tries to talk the caring part of me into not caring too. Its so hard. I know what I need to be doing...I just dont do it. I keep telling myself..tomorrow Ill be better..tomorrow Ill get basck on track...unfortunately tomorrow never comes!!!
Well thats all for now. Im off to get on the scale to give myself a real reality check. Ive been avoiding it for weeks because I know its not going to be good...but Im just gonna get it over with. Maybe it will give me the incentive to get more of a grip on myself. Hopefully!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

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