Thursday, April 20, 2006

The rest of the family!!!!

Ok these pics came out in weird order, but Ill just go with it and hopefully you can follow. The first pic is of our new puppy Juliette. She is such a sweetheart..but she is starting to get really confident in her surroundings...which is a good thing, but it also means she is starting to get in the trash, chew things, try to dominate my older dog....she is definitely a female...and thinks she is the boss!!! LOL! The next pic is of my golden boy Romeo. He just turned 5 yrs old last month and he is my sweetie. He has been so tolerant of the new puppy, and even lets her snuggle with him at night, even though I know he doesnt want too. LOL. He looks at her like she is a Leper, but I guess he figures its easier to let her lie there than it is to get rid of
The next one is a pic of my DH in Virginia. We were there on vacation, and these 2 fish were the catch of the day!! We will be married 15 years next month. FIFTEEN YEARS...god that sounds like a long Cant believe he has put up with me for that must be love!!!

The next pic is a pic of my DS-14 and his 8yr old cousin. Im assuming you will be able to tell which is which! We were on our way to a karate demo when this picture was taken. They are just chillin in the backseat.

Next pic is both of my DS's. DS-14 and DS-12. I havent figured out what Im gonna call them on here, so for right now its ds-14 and ds-12. Gotta think of something creative. I might use their nicknames...although ds-14 (Boo) might take issue with Here they are petting the Chincoteague Ponies.


Lucy T said...

May I be the first to comment . . the blog is looking good! I'll be keeping tabs on your very, very closely now . he he he !!!

Lucy T said...
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Domestic Goddess said...

Cute pics, Juliette looks like a sweetie!

Lucy T said...
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Domestic CEO said...

Looks good, Tish! Glad you're joining us blogging geeks. :) What's with the two comments that were deleted?

Lucy T said...

Sorry about the deleted comments. My original comment posted three times! I don't know why.

Tish said...

Thanks for the nice comments ladies! Not sure if Im replying correctly...any suggewstions from you experienced bloggers would be greatly appreciated.

4:37 am Lucy...?? SHouldnt you be sleeping???? I was looking at the insides of my eyelids!

Lucy T said...

I was sleeping at that tim! I think the time is wrong. I'm posting this at 9:19AM, let's see what it says.