Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday fun day?

Not in this Sunday is usually the day I get the most done around the house. DH is usually off, the kids have their things to do, and I dont usually go out shopping on the weekends..hate the weekend I stay home and get stuff done that I should have done during the week instead of

Took Danny to karate...he had TaeKwondo Team practice..thats about 2 hours long, so I did run and get some produce. Needed cabbage for dinner tonite. We arw having ham and cabbage...yum!

Now that we are home Ive got tons of loads of wash to fold, and more laundry to finish. Ive already done 4 loads of wash, mopped the kitchen and front hallway floor. Once the kitchen dries..I can mop the back hall floor(bad planning on my and get all the muddy doggie prints off the floor out there. Hopefully the rain is done because it is making a mess out of my I dont really need any help in that area!!!

We have a couple movies to watch....See Dick and Jane..with Jim Carey and Tea Leoni, Rule of Engagement with Tommy Lee Jones, and Original Sin with Antonio Banderas (sighhhhh) Hopefully we get to at least one of them!!!

That brings me to a question..anyone seen anything good lately??? Or read a really good book?? Im looking for some new ideas!! Thanks!


Lucy T said...

I saw the new Narnia movie last night. Didn't think I'd like it, but I did. Maybe it had something to do with the cute little girl named Lucy who was in the movie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tish!

Great blog.

I saw "A History of Violence" last weekend. Was afraid of watching it because I had no idea what it was about and thought it would be too violent, but it had a really good story and the violence was quick and easy to turn away from.

Also saw Wedding Crashers recently...funny with a cute story.

That's about it for me. We don't watch much in the way of movies or TV.

Anonymous said...

We watched the Bourne Identity movies this weekend. Apparently it is a trilogy. They were action packed. We have Napolean Dynamite and The Corpe Bride waiting for us from NetFlix.

I like this author Diana Gabaldon. She has this series that is a cross between, romance, historical, action, and science fiction. The books are LONG so see if you libray has them. They are pricey to buy.

Domestic CEO said...

We just saw Thank you for smoking (it's in the theaters now) and it was hysterical!